
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Christmas all Year

Well christmas is all over
And a new year is almost here
But lets not stop spreading
The joy and holiday cheer

For if everybody embraces
The spirit of the season
Then fear and evil and hatred
Would simply have no reason

The world would be at peace
Three hundred sixty five days
And people would show love
In three hundred sixty five ways

Conflicts would be solved
With friendly politician talks
And families would be safe
To go on their daily free walks

There would be no violent wars
And nations would get along
Countries would come together
The unity would be strong

Hunger would be non existant
From sharing personal wealth
And feeling the pure happiness
Would lead us to better health

Compassion would end suffering
By just being kind to others
If we just forget our differences
We could all live like brothers

So lets all try our hardest
To show that everyday cheer
Its easy when you pretend
Like its christmas all year


Now, I know it's a little late for the content of this poem but I thought it'd be a good one to begin my new poetry blog. Afterall, the concept could be practiced all year long. I wrote this poem on December 26, 2013 after thinking to myself repeatedly that Christmas was over and a new year was almost here. After putting some rhymes together, this is what I ended up with. What do you guys think?