
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Marathon Boston The: 2nd Anniversary

This is a poem I wrote the day after the Boston Marathon bombings. The photo was taken a few years ago. To honor and pay tribute to the victims on the second anniversary of the attacks, I put the two together. #BostonStrong

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Spring Morning

This is a piece I thought up a few years back while on my way into work one morning. With nothing but farm fields between my house and my former place of employment, it made for some pretty spectacular sunrises, especially during the changing seasons. The sunrise photo is one I shot with my cell phone a year or two prior to writing the poem. Back then, I was actually on my way home from work as I was on a third shift schedule.

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Monday, March 2, 2015

In Memory of Wade

This is a tribute to my step-dad on the one year anniversary of his death. If you didn't know Wade, he was a long time cook at a restaurant here in Montrose, MI. Knowing that, this tribute will make a little more sense to you all. Wade was one of the greatest guys I've ever known and I miss every single thing about him. Wish you were still here, Wade. Love you, Dad. 

(Wade, with grandchildren, Jace and Lorelai-Christmas time 2013)

In Memory of Wade

An extra large cheeseburger pizza
Or a juicy triple cheese delight
These are the things I miss eating
When you’d cook for us at night

A handful of shredded mozzarella
I know that sounds odd and weird
Bake me up spaghetti or lasagna
And that pasta instantly disappeared

Crispy grilled cheese and fries
The greatest comfort for your soul
To always make us feel better
You served chicken noodle in bowl

Party food and sizzling appetizers
Like cheese sticks and onion rings
Or snacks for all the biggest games
Consisting of nachos and wing dings

I could always go for your breakfast
Like a western omelet without the meat
Or eggs, toast, hash browns and sausage
Tasting your food again would be a treat

It’s not only just about the food though
It’s about all the memories shared
The great times in that old restaurant
That were created through the years

I was always doing these odd jobs
To try and make you very proud
Like fold thousands of pizza boxes
And bus tables when you had a crowd

I remember sitting, drinking coffee
With you and your crazy Montrose friends
It’s the one thing that I don’t really miss
Since most of them are Republicans

If only it were festival weekend again
And I was helping you wash dishes
Getting paid with blueberry pancakes
Against all of my stomachs wishes

Not a single day ever goes by
Where I don’t deeply long to see
My dearest step-father, Wade
And his grease stained pocket T's


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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Poems About Death (Week Long Series): Post #6

I wrote this piece after my step-dad was cremated. I actually wrote it for my brother-in-laws band, Apollo's Din. They're into short, unusual lyrics so I was thinking they could put some music to my poem. But just like all the other things I've written for them, they turned it down...



Trapped inside
No sanctuary
It’s where you go
To live out your death
For eternity
Without a breath

Rotting body
Inside a box
No way to live
Even if you’re gone
But it’s where you go
To live out your death
For eternity
Without a breath

When I die
Burn my soul
Spread my ashes
Over hell
Don’t want to be buried
To live out my death
For eternity
Without a breath


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Friday, February 27, 2015

Poems About Death (Week Long Series): Post #5

This piece was by far the hardest poem about death that I have ever written. It tells the exact story of the day my step-dad passed away. It is one of the few writings that I've done where I've made myself cry. And that's about all I'm going to say about it. 


Final Goodbye

Get the call
Dad's on deathbed
Hasn’t but an hour left
Drop it all
Rubber on road
Hadn’t seen him all week
Speed before it’s too late
Failure not an option
Park on concrete garage
Uphill incline
To facilities stench
Revolving through the doors
Rotate in
Climb to sixth floor
In room
In time
Wasn’t prepared
A haunting site
Violent gasp
Reaching for air
Mouth hanging
Full of foam
Wipe it down
Huddle around
Squeeze his hand
He feels my presence
He opens up
With little life he had
A single tear
Drips from corner
He knows I’m there
He seems relieved
Like he’s ready
Like he’s going
His blood stalls
His organs give
His soul meets peace
Dad's gone


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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Poems About Death (Week Long Series): Post #4

This is another poem that I tried to write just after my step-dad had passed away. While all of those emotions were still fresh in my mind. After the first line, however, I had no idea how to express the kinds of feelings that I had, so I put off finishing it until just very recently. I can tell you, all of those emotions were still very much there and just as hard to write about. 

What Would It?

What would it feel like to know you were dying?
Could you hold your eyes wide open without crying?
Chemically lined
To equalize pain
Poison escalates
A slow demise
What would it feel like to know you were dying?

What thoughts would be going through your head?
Could you fall asleep at night in the comfort of your bed?
Childhood dreams
Stir life’s regrets
Your decades
Flash before you
What thoughts would be going through your head?

What would you say to the people you love most?
Could you tell them goodbye or just save it for ghost?
Cherish your time
Never let them go
Weep at the thought
Of leaving them alone
What would you say to the people you love most?

What would it feel like to know you were dying?
Could you keep fighting or just give up trying?
All deep questions
Worth pondering
Think about it
We’re all dying

What does it feel like to know you are dying?


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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Poems About Death (Week Long Series): Post #3

These two poems are pieces that I just recently finished. I'm not really sure where the inspiration for the first one came from. "Death is Not a Game", is pretty self explanatory. I was probably watching some sort of sporting event while also thinking about death. And it just clicked. The second poem, "The Hardest Thing", is one that I actually started last year after my step-dad passed away. I couldn't pull myself to complete it until this last week. It is definitely the hardest thing to watch a close, loved one die. That is why I felt the need to express it through poetry. 


 Death is Not a Game

Death is all but leisurely sport
From moment you arrive into world
That day of birth is not your draft
Adolescence not pre-season
Practice required in daily grind
Can’t win with meaningless motion
Blood, sweat, tears and pain
Victory is only survival
Death is not a game

It’s not a countdown
To dead lined attack
No play clock
No game clock
You can’t stop time
Or go back in time
There is no overtime
There are no guarantees
Death is not a game

One wrong move
Career more than over
A costly mistake
Only one fan to judge you
Step out of bounds
Eternally banished
Catastrophic injury
No back up plan
Death is not a game

Drop the pass
Cut from more than team
Miss the shot
Condemned to unknown
Fall face first in dirt
Covered by ground
Trip upon frozen ice
Body grows numb
Death is not a game

There are no mulligans
Or do-over-replays
Or second chances
Fate won’t allow such
If you’re lucky
But luck runs out
Always runs dry
And you die
Death is not a game

Be that reckless athlete not
Who takes opportunity for granted
You never know when your buzzer will sound
When your stadium lights will dim
When your legacy abruptly ends
When you retire into the bliss
When the fat lady sings for you
Come to think of it
It’s really life that’s not a game


The Hardest Thing

Get the news
Not good
Six to live
Probably less
Denial not healthy
But for the best
Accepting not acceptable
Strength isn’t strong
Energy drained
Time running out
Weeks numbered
By painful days
Fear in eyes
Follows regret
Deterioration sinks in
Drives it home
Reality check
Not a dream
A nightmare
With catastrophic effect
Minutes run down
By seconds of agony
Written on face
Keep spirits high
Fail miserably
All parties
Silently saying goodbye
Can’t speak, a voice so weak
Can’t eat, a nauseating defeat
Can’t laugh, a coughing attack
Can’t sleep, a peaceful dream
Can’t work, can’t play
Can’t hope, can’t pray
Can’t run, can’t stray
Can’t breathe, can’t stay
Only one thing left
Give in
It’s the hardest thing
To watch a loved one die


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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Poems About Death (Week Long Series): Post #2

This first piece, entitled, "The Last Time", is actually a poem I wrote when my step-grandmother (my step-dads mom) passed away. She lived in Michigan up until the last few years of her life when she moved down to Arizona to be warmer and closer to other family members. The last time I saw her, she was up here in Michigan visiting during the summer of 2010. Before she went back to Arizona at the end of that August, she gave me a hug and said, "Hopefully I'll get to see you again." I thought it was pretty strange that she would say such a thing. Almost like she knew it would probably be the last time. And it was. She passed away in        January of that winter. 


The Last Time

The last time I saw her
She gave me a kiss
Looked me in the eyes
Said I would be missed

She turned and walked away
Unsure at her ripe old age
About the next chapter
Or even just another page

Grandma boarded the plane
Flew back home to Arizona
A few short months later
She passed in Santa Rosa


This next piece is one that I wrote just after the passing of my step-dad. I wrote it through my mothers perspective. To me, it seemed like nights were the worst for her. For the first few weeks after Wades death, my mom couldn't bring herself to sleep in their bed. It was a sad time for her and it wasn't easy to watch her struggle. I came up with this poem one night while sitting there wondering how it must have felt for her. She has never read this as I just couldn't bring myself to show her. It's called, "When it Hurts the Most". 


When it Hurts the Most

At night is when it hurts the most
I can feel you here but I know I’m alone
Your spirit lingers on empty bed
I cling to memories saved in my head

A sudden chill sweeps over my body
An overwhelming sensation that burns
A cool breeze hits my tempered face
With the warmth of your loving embrace

Whispers float with the quiet tides
A rolling frequency of crashing waves
My ears pick up your static sound
On a whim of hope I call out loud

Your lips brush gently against mine
They are what I long for the most
Your fingertips run softly through my hair
As I lay restless in the darkened air

I watch for you with desperation
But my eyes are blind to your presence
They search with no avail
They’ve fallen off the trail

Only my dreams will keep you alive
It’s not enough for peace of mind
I can feel you here but I know I’m alone
That’s why at night is when it hurts the most


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Monday, February 23, 2015

Poems About Death (Week Long Series)

This week, leading up to March 2nd-the one year anniversary of my Step-Dads passing, I will be sharing a series of poems I have written regarding death. Although death is a very sad and emotional topic, it is not my intention to depress anybody with my writings. I just wanted to express all those feelings of losing somebody you love and care about. Especially when you lose that somebody way too soon. And the best way I know how to do that is through poetry.

These first two pieces should give you a pretty good idea of what took Wade away from us. A thing that takes way too many people from this world. Cancer.

"The "C" Word" is actually one I wrote during my Wades first battle with Cancer, in which he won. During that time, a local hospital was running a cancer commercial with the theme being "The C Word". The first time I caught the ad after Wades diagnoses, I started thinking about unpleasant words beginning with the letter "C", that could be used as adjectives for cancer.

"Cancer Alliteration" is one that I just recently created about a week ago. Getting closer to March 2, the emotions were already beginning to stack up, but that pile doubled as I was watching the show "Nashville", on ABC (not a country music fan but a huge fan of the show). One of the main characters, Deacon, was recently diagnosed with liver cancer and in that particular episode, was having a very rough time dealing with his situation. It brought back all the memories of watching my Step-Dad suffer. I kept thinking about how much I hated cancer and how hard it was to watch Wade go through what Deacon is going through, right now. I know, it's just a television show, right? Well, that doesn't make it any easier to watch or to take in. It hits close to home, either way.

Cancer is just a horrible thing, all around. I live for the day that we have a cure for every kind of cancer out there plaguing our world today!


The “C” Word

Cacaesthesia, Cachaemic, Cachexic,
Cacidrosis, Cacodemomania, Cacoethes,
Cacotopia, Caespitose, Cafrad, Caitiff,
Calciform, Caliginous, Calvary, Camsteary,
Candescent, Carceral, Cardimelech, Caritive,
Carking, Carnifex, Caruncle, Cataclasm,
Cataphyiscal, Catastrophe, Catenular,
Chromatism, Claudent, Claudication,
Clochard, Clonic, Cockamamie, Cockshy,
Cocotte, Codswallop, Col, Commination,
Contumacious, Crackjaw, Crapehanger,
Creatophagous, Creophagous Cryptogenic,
Cutaneous, Cynosure, Cytogenesis…
Each of these words
Beginning with the letter C
Can be used to describe
The worst “C” word of all…



Cancer Alliteration

Cancer comes calmly
Cancer quickly climbs
Cancer covers quality
Cancer clots care
Cancer could cease
Cancer questions creed
Cancer cripples chemo
Cancer cooks cells
Cancer click cliché
Cancer cruelly calls
Cancer quivers cold
Cancer kills us all


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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Poems for my Daughter

These two pieces are both dedicated to my daughter, and first born, Lorelai. The first, I wrote just days after she was born. The emotions were still running pretty high. Understandably so for a first time parent! The second poem (beneath the photo), I wrote near her first birthday. In my opinion, you learn more about yourself, about life and about love in the first year of being a parent than you do the rest of your entire life. The photograph is one I snapped of her, also around her first birthday. She's the best thing that could ever happen to a guy!


Amazing Change

It’s amazing how my life changed
On the day that we finally met
It’s amazing how my life changed
With your first gasp of a breath
Amazing, yet purely simple
Because it was instant love
It’s something that you feel
From your own flesh and blood

It’s amazing how my life changed
As your unfocused eyes opened
It’s amazing how my life changed
The exact way that I was hoping
Amazing, yet purely simple
Because of your loving stare
You connected with my soul
Driving me straight into tears

It’s amazing how my life changed
When my ears caught your cry
It’s amazing how my life changed
At the site of your bright smile
Amazing, yet purely simple
Because of your lovable face
And the uncontrollable desire
For the way your kisses taste

It’s amazing how my life changed
Holding your warmth in my arms
It’s amazing how my life changed
When you melted my cold heart
Amazing, yet purely simple
Because it was meant to be
It’s what I’ve been longing for
Being your father is my destiny

Amazing Year

It’s been an amazing year
Watching you grow
And learning new things
That you’ll forever know

Like how to throw a fit
And how to laugh and giggle
And how it felt
To have your first tickle

Your first crawls, your first steps
Your first taste of real food
And the way your attitude gets
With each changing mood

I’ll never forget
How much you loved your books
Or when I told you NO
And got the cutest sad looks

For a first time parent
I hope I did everything right
As I tuck you in
For the 365th night

It’s been an amazing year
Watching you grow
And learning new things
That I’ll forever know


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Monday, February 16, 2015

Pickin' Winter Flowers

This is one I came up with yesterday afternoon while snapping some frozen photos. I started putting the rhymes together as I took the shot below. The temperature was below zero but it was a beautiful day here in Michigan!

Pickin’ winter flowers
It’s cold but it is nice
Pickin’ winter flowers
Beauty forms from ice

Pickin’ winter flowers
Jagged and crystal clear
Pickin’ winter flowers
As they appear in thin air

Pickin’ winter flowers
Sparkling in the sun
Pickin’ winter flowers
It’s tons of frozen fun


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Friday, February 13, 2015

Secret Admirer Greeting for Valentine's Day

Are you madly and deeply in love with somebody this Valentine's Day that doesn't even know it? Have you been trying to find a way to finally tell that person how you feel, but with no luck? If the answer to these questions is yes, then I have the perfect way for you to finally let them in on your big secret. Please feel free to share my newest greeting with that magical person of your dreams! Happy Valentine's Day and go get em!!!



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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Proposal Greeting

Are you thinking about proposing to your significant other this Valentine's Day, but still haven't thought of a way to do it? Well, maybe this will help you. This is a wedding proposal greeting I came up with-specially for this, the most romantic of holidays. Feel free to save it, share it or use it however else you please. Good luck and Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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Monday, February 9, 2015

With You (For my all-time Valentine)

This is a piece I wrote for my wife and Valentine-for life, Ashley. I thought posting one for her would be a good way to kick of this week of love, leading up to the most romantic day of the year.  


With You

Blazing summer nights
Snuggled up with you
Passion flaming hot
At our secluded lakeside spot

I still love you as much now
As I did back at our start
There is no one else for me
You’re the only girl I see

Colorful autumn nights
Snuggled up with you
Fires burning hot
It’s your touch that hits the spot

I still love you as much now
As I did back at our start
There is no one else for me
You’re the only girl I see

Cold winter nights
Snuggled up with you
Bodies steaming hot
Blankets pulled around the spot

I still love you as much now
As I did back at our start
There is no one else for me
You’re the only girl I see

Stormy spring nights
Snuggled up with you
Lightning flashing hot
Roars of thunder from our spot

I still love you as much now
As I did back at our start
There is no one else for me
You’re the only girl I see


If you've been with somebody for a decade-or longer, you know that sometimes in the relationship, it isn't as hot and steamy as it was in the very beginning-not as passionate as it was at first. Sometimes, there are doubts, fears and other concerns about the love and affection being shown or just about the whole relationship in general. When I wrote this, I wanted to express to my wife that she was-and still is the only woman for me. No matter what situations we're faced with-no matter what day of the year it is, she will always be my one true love and my one true Valentine. Plus, chicks dig when you write stuff for them! 

I wrote this one in kind of a lyrical form. I'm hoping to one day put music to some of my writings. Not necessarily this one, but if my brother-in-laws, Apollo's Din ever want to expand the style of music they play, I have some stuff for them... 

Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day to my wife, Ashley. And Happy Valentine's Day to all you beautiful lovers out there. I hope Cupid is very kind to each and every one of you on this upcoming, and magical February 14th of 2015.  

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Lights Out, Game Time (Special Super Bowl Post)

Ok, so technically speaking, this piece isn't about the Super Bowl. Instead, it's a poem about my high school football team, the Montrose Rams and how we use to prepare for each game we played. And just to brag a little bit, I should mention that we did, in fact win the Michigan-Division 5 State Championship my senior year, back in 2002 (shout out to the Class of 2003). Now, although this was just our specific way of getting ready for each game, all athletes and all teams have their own ways to prepare each week. So, I figured most competitors-on some level-especially those preparing to play tonight in the biggest game of the year would and could relate to this writing on some level. Hope you enjoyed it and Happy Super Bowl Sunday to all!!!

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