This week, leading up to March 2nd-the one year anniversary of my Step-Dads passing, I will be sharing a series of poems I have written regarding death. Although death is a very sad and emotional topic, it is not my intention to depress anybody with my writings. I just wanted to express all those feelings of losing somebody you love and care about. Especially when you lose that somebody way too soon. And the best way I know how to do that is through poetry.
These first two pieces should give you a pretty good idea of what took Wade away from us. A thing that takes way too many people from this world. Cancer.
"The "C" Word" is actually one I wrote during my Wades first battle with Cancer, in which he won. During that time, a local hospital was running a cancer commercial with the theme being "The C Word". The first time I caught the ad after Wades diagnoses, I started thinking about unpleasant words beginning with the letter "C", that could be used as adjectives for cancer.
"Cancer Alliteration" is one that I just recently created about a week ago. Getting closer to March 2, the emotions were already beginning to stack up, but that pile doubled as I was watching the show "Nashville", on ABC (not a country music fan but a huge fan of the show). One of the main characters, Deacon, was recently diagnosed with liver cancer and in that particular episode, was having a very rough time dealing with his situation. It brought back all the memories of watching my Step-Dad suffer. I kept thinking about how much I hated cancer and how hard it was to watch Wade go through what Deacon is going through, right now. I know, it's just a television show, right? Well, that doesn't make it any easier to watch or to take in. It hits close to home, either way.
Cancer is just a horrible thing, all around. I live for the day that we have a cure for every kind of cancer out there plaguing our world today!
The “C” Word
Cacaesthesia, Cachaemic, Cachexic,
Cacidrosis, Cacodemomania, Cacoethes,
Cacotopia, Caespitose, Cafrad, Caitiff,
Calciform, Caliginous, Calvary, Camsteary,
Candescent, Carceral, Cardimelech, Caritive,
Carking, Carnifex, Caruncle, Cataclasm,
Cataphyiscal, Catastrophe, Catenular,
Chromatism, Claudent, Claudication,
Clochard, Clonic, Cockamamie, Cockshy,
Cocotte, Codswallop, Col, Commination,
Contumacious, Crackjaw, Crapehanger,
Creatophagous, Creophagous Cryptogenic,
Cutaneous, Cynosure, Cytogenesis…
Each of these words
Beginning with the letter C
Can be used to describe
The worst “C” word of all…
Cancer comes calmly
Cancer quickly climbs
Cancer covers quality
Cancer clots care
Cancer could cease
Cancer questions
Cancer cripples chemo
Cancer cooks cells
Cancer click cliché
Cancer cruelly calls
Cancer quivers cold
Cancer kills us all